
8/7/2024 12:00:00 AM
Technology and production

Crouse is moving towards sustainable development, green logistics

Crouse Company says it is moving towards sustainable development and green supply chain management.

In a recent report, the company announced that one of the company’s significant actions in this area has been the elimination of wooden pallets and cardboard trays from packaging.

The company has incessantly attempted to move towards sustainable development and green logistics and has executed numerous projects toward this goal, the report said.

A recent project carried out by the company has saved 250 trees a year from being cut by replacing wooden pallets and cardboard trays with circulating metal pallets, according to the report which said that the company’s savings in wooden pallets over the past year is six times the height of Tehran’s Azadi Tower and the cardboard trays saved over the past one year were the size of a nine-story building.

Nowadays, considering the concerns of industries, including Crouse, about increasing environmental issues, the use of reusable or biodegradable packaging items is one of the methods that can have a positive influence on the environment. It is crystal clear that this organization aims to play an effective role in the supply chain and a greener earth by moving towards green logistics for auto parts as quickly as possible.