
6/2/2024 12:00:00 AM
Human Recourse Devlopment

Crouse hosts students once again

A group of students from top universities in Iran visited Crouse Co. on May 29 and June 1, 2024. Considering the importance of industry-university connections and fostering hope among the elite, scientific associations requested the company to organize a tour for students to tour Crouse Co.

On May 29, Crouse Co. hosted students from the University of Tehran’s Electronics Engineering Department. This group explored various sections of Crouse Co., including the Research and Innovation Center and the SMD hall.

On June 1, students from the Industries Department of the University of Tehran also visited Crouse. They toured the Research and Innovation Center, the injection hall, the connector assembly, and the self-sufficiency exhibition, becoming acquainted with the organization’s up-to-date products, technologies, and achievements.

During these visits, students observed production areas up close, learned about the processes, and engaged in discussions with experts from the organization.

Such visits provide talented students with deeper insight into the specialized industrial environment and enhance their technical skills. It also lays the groundwork for interested students to contribute to the industry’s growth and development in the near future.